Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Media, Technology and Creative Spaces of Education


a joint symposium between doctoral researchers in the Schools of Education and Creative and Cultural Industries, UWS


Club Room
Morally high: Is Twitter being used as an online space to challenge dominant socio-political discourse around drug use? 
Kieran Hamilton and Jennifer Jones

“Staging the Museum” - Community Engagement and Strategies of Performance in Cultural Heritage Sites
Pamela Barnes

The role of learning in the subjective experience of living with chronic illness
Gemma Stevens

Praxis in Virtual Learning Communities: 3D Virtual World Collaboration in Formal Tertiary Education
Jim Scullion

Cinema Room
‘But WE saw birds at Birkenau’ – initial findings from a socio-material study of learning at Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum
Susan Henderson

Widening Access and Academic writing:  Learning or Alienation?
Alison McEntee

DOING YOUR TIME:  Disaffection, schooling and the problem of suitable education
Tara Jones

Thursday, 6 February 2014

“Works In Progress”: Creative Dialogues on Research and Practice

Works In Progress”: Creative Dialogues on Research and Practice
Ayr Campus: 27th February 2014,  Room GT 27, 1pm – 3pm 

You are invited to participate in the first of an ongoing programme of informal talks and discussions relating to the research output of research students in the School of Creative and Cultural Industries. Each month will feature talks / presentations by research students in the school, focusing on elements of their research output and / or creative practice, with a view towards engaging in productive dialogue about research and practice in an informal and nurturing environment. It is our aim to help establish a stronger sense of research community within the School of Creative and Cultural Industries, to the mutual benefit of all PhD students, and believe that familiarity and engagement with each others' work is an important step in establishing this. 

This initial session will feature presentations by Iain Taylor and Alison Bell: 

Iain Taylor is a research student and Associate Lecturer on the BA (Hons) Commercial Music programme. His research is investigating the ways that we attach value to music in an increasingly digital and intangible environment of production and consumption. 

Alison Bell is a research student and Associate Lecturer on the BA (Hons) Digital Art programme. Her research is investigating the subjective experience of ageing as embodied through creative practice.

Sessions will be held on the last Thursday of every month on the Ayr Campus. Tea and coffee will be provided. If you are interested in presenting at a forthcoming session, please contact Iain Taylor or Alison Bell to register your interest: 

We hope to see you there, and look forward to hearing about your work! 
